Sunday, June 29, 2014

Healing: Mark Bradley Morrow, Post Abortive Father

Healing:  Mark Bradley Morrow

 Mark's  story includes  4 Abortions in 20 months, 1 Vasectomy, 1 Adoption, 2 Reversals, 1 Miscarriage & 2 Beautiful Babies

Now I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine.  He is a father.  Some of you may have heard of him before.  He is not only a licensed professional counselor; he is also a professional stand-up comedian and was a popular morning drive time radio personality for a Christian radio station in Erie, Pennsylvania.  His name is Mark Bradley Morrow.  His story includes  4 Abortions in 20 months, 1 Vasectomy, 1 Adoption, 2 Reversals, 1 Miscarriage & 2 Beautiful Babies To find out more about Mark please visit his web site

Mark accepted Christ into his life when he was 19 and still a virgin.  During his college years he filled his time with bible study, prayer and fellowship. It was after college that sexual temptation became too much for him.  This temptation led to sexual relationships, four pregnancies and four abortions. It was a secret he kept and struggled with for 18 years fearing that disclosure would ruin his career and family. 

Mark’s first abortion experience came after a lustful night in which he did not use a condom.  His girlfriend informed him of the pregnancy.  He told her he would support the child financially but would not marry her nor would he be a father to the child.  That was unacceptable to her.  He then suggested adoption.  Instead of embracing the adoption alternative she brought up abortion, Mark did not resist.  He even drove her to the clinic, waited in the waiting room and paid for half the abortion.  The middle two abortions he did not learn about until after the fact.  The women knew he did not want to be a father so they went and had abortions on their own and informed him later.  The fourth one he knew what the mother was going through but did not actively participate in the abortion process. 

After the final abortion, he met his future wife.  At the time, she was an unwed mother.  He led her to Christ.  Mark agreed to marry her and adopt her daughter but told her he did not want children of his own.  She reluctantly agreed to this condition and he had a vasectomy before the wedding day.  After several years of being a father to his adopted daughter he realized the joys and rewards fatherhood had to offer.  He decided he wanted to have children of his own.  He went through a painful reversal procedure only to have it fail.  He then went to the Cleveland Clinic for another reversal procedure.  This one was successful.  In a short time, he and his wife announced on his morning radio show that she was pregnant.  A few days later she miscarried.  Mark wondered if he would ever be blessed with biological children.  Eventually, he received the gift of a biological daughter and son.  Mark still grieves for over the loss of his other five children.  He lost four because of abortion and one as a result of a miscarriage.

Eventually, Mark decided to share the story with a friend, his wife, his pastor and finally with his teenage daughter.  The reaction he got from his daughter was exactly the affirmation he needed to tell his story to the world.  She looked at him and said softly “Dad, there is nothing you could have said that would have made me love you any less.”  With that reassurance and support Mark went public with his story and his ministry of reaching out to other dads who have experienced abortion.

This might also be a good time to remind everyone that the sentiments expressed by Mark’s daughter are the same sentiments God expresses to us. No matter what we have done or said God cannot and will not love us any less.  God is a forgiving and loving God.

What God has done with Mark’s life since he shared his past is an example of how God will use our bad decisions for good.   Mark, now counsels’ fathers who have had children aborted, shares his story with others as a keynote speaker for crisis pregnancy center fundraisers, special church services, Right to Life Banquets, abstinence programs, men's events and Christian/Catholic school assemblies.  Mark can be reached at  

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